Welcome to Julia Talbot's blog!

Welcome, everyone! Here's where I blather about writing, life with my wife BA, and my two basset hounds! I love to hear from readers, so comment here or email me!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Sometimes I feel so incredibly dumb

almost everyone I know has some web-building skills. I don't. Oh I can change a theme on a blog and figure out how to build a widget if there's a widget-builder, but I don't know much about html and dns servers and domain parking and all that shit. I feel like I'm at a real disadvantage sometimes, because not only does it put me at the mercy of others, it means no instant gratification.

Can you tell the power went out again and I'm really frustrated? I'm hot and tired and feel overwhelmingly stoopid today.

So, on a positive note, today I am grateful for my various webmasters, Sherlock Holmes, men kissing (Torchwood reruns anyone) and checks in the mail!


Oh, and the pint of amaretto crunch ice cream I ate


BSClay said...
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BSClay said...

That is why there are people like Kristi and I out there ready to tackle your site for you. Btw, it is now live and error free. Just need some spiffy content to add.