Welcome to Julia Talbot's blog!

Welcome, everyone! Here's where I blather about writing, life with my wife BA, and my two basset hounds! I love to hear from readers, so comment here or email me!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day is for lovers, not writers

I have to admit, I'm a lucky gal. My girl, BA Tortuga, is perfectly happy on V Day to get a card. Maybe a dark chocolate pavlova, which is dessert tonight.

Fortunate for me, because as a romance writer, Valentine's Day is one of those days we have to start thinking about back in the fall. Are we doing a story for an anthology, are we doing promo, is everyone over V Day? Add to that the fact that Valentine's Day sucked for me for years and years, and I don't love it.

So we make it pretty much another day, and I think a lot of romance authors do the same. Which maybe people don't want to hear, because fantasy is nice.


I do amuse myself by pondering what my characters would get each other.

Lovers of her Dreams boys and girl, for instance. Tim would get Ry a bone. Ry would get Savannah a scratching post and Ry and Savvy would get together and get Tim a new tattoo.

In my book that's about to come out from Changeling Press, Elemental Ops, Ice would get Keon movies and a player. Keon would make Ice a greasy pizza.

And my Thatcher boys, Jed and Eli, would get dog treats for the pack of mutts they have now.

Happy V Day!




Katherine Halle said...

We're pretty simple here. We stayed home and had crab & corn chowder with the kid. We'll have date nite/Valentine's Day on Sunday when we have a babysitter LOL

Julia said...

sounds yummy!